Motorola has just launched the Moto G 5G for the Indian market. Motorola claims the device to be the ‘most affordable 5G smartphone in India’. Moto G 5G is launched on Flipkart exclusively, and the Flipkart’s listing shows only a single variant of the device with 6GB RAM and 128GB internal storage. The smartphone will sport the Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G SoC along with a massive 5,000mAh battery. The Moto G 5G is not a very light device weighing 210 grams. More on the specifications and price of the Moto G 5G ahead.
Moto G 5G Specifications
The Moto G 5G comes with a 6.67-inch full HD+ (2400 x 1080 pixels) screen. As mentioned above, powering the device is Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G, which is 5G supportive chipset. The SoC is coupled with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. The internal storage can be expanded up to 1TB with the help of an external MicroSD card.
There is a triple-camera setup at the rear where the primary sensor is a 48MP lens paired with a 2MP depth sensor and a 2MP macro sensor. For selfies and video calling, there is a 16MP sensor in the front. The device will run on Android 10 out of the box but will get the Android 11 update very soon.
There is a massive 5,000mAh battery inside the smartphone paired with a 20W fast-charger. The device comes with a fingerprint reader along with support for face unlock.
Moto G 5G Price
The Moto G 5G has launched in India with a single variant only. The single variant with 6GB RAM and 128GB internal storage is priced Rs 20,999. It is available in two different colour options, namely Volcanic Grey and Frosted Silver. On purchase of the product right now, the users will get a 1-year warranty on the device and 6-months warranty on the accessories. The Moto G 5G is exclusively available for users to buy from Flipkart. The availability date has not been announced by the company yet.
Original article: Motorola G 5G Launched With Snapdragon 750G SoC and 5,000mAh Battery, Specifications and Price
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