Right after the end of festive sales, Xiaomi has hiked the price of Redmi 9A in India. The Redmi 9A was launched in the country on September 2 at a starting price of Rs 6,799. However, the phone is now retailing for Rs 6,999 after the price hike. To recall, Xiaomi launched the Redmi 9A in two variants- 2GB+32GB and 3GB+32GB, priced at Rs 6,799 and Rs 7,499, respectively. Only the base variant of the Redmi 9A received the price hike on November 28, according to Mysmartprice. The new price is already effective on mi.com/in and Amazon.in where the phone is available online. The revised price is already effective across offline stores.
Xiaomi Redmi 9A: Specifications and Features
The price hike comes as a surprise as Xiaomi did not mention any introductory price while launching the device in September. Even for the new price of Rs 6,999, the Redmi 9A is a great buy, however, it now faces stiff competition from the Micromax In 1b whose 2GB+32GB variant is also available at Rs 6,999. The latter also comes with MediaTek Helio G35 SoC compared to the Helio G25 chipset we get on the former.
Talking about the specifications of the Redmi 9A, the phone flaunts a 6.53-inch HD+ display with a resolution of 720 x 1600 pixels and 20:9 aspect ratio. At the heart of the phone is the MediaTek Helio G25 chipset, paired with up to 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. The handset also has a dedicated microSD card slot for storage expansion up to 512GB.
The phone can be picked up in three colour options- Midnight Black, Nature Green and Sea Blue. As for the cameras, we get a single 13MP shooter on the rear with an LED flash, along with a 5MP snapper on the front. Other specs include a 5000mAh battery with 10W fast charging, MIUI 12 based on Android and a Micro USB port is located on the bottom. Connectivity options on the handset 4G LTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS and GLONASS. Xiaomi is also selling the Redmi 9i with similar specifications as the Redmi 9A for Rs 8,299.
Original article: Xiaomi Redmi 9A Base Variant Receives Rs 200 Price Increase in India
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