Lava officially confirmed that it is launching new smartphones in India on January 7. A few days ago, Lava launching a smartphone called BeU at Rs 6,888 in the country. While announcing the Lava BeU, the company said it would be bringing more devices to the country in the first week of January 2021. Confirming the January 7 launch event, Lava tweeted ‘The day when Smartphone industry will never be the same again.’ As the anti-China sentiment in India continues to grow, more local brands are making a comeback. First, we saw Micromax launching the In Note 1 and In 1b budget phones, and now, Lava seems to be stepping up the game. The Lava BeU is an entry-level device with a Unisoc processor and Android Go edition on board. But the upcoming Lava phones will likely target the mid-range segment and budget segments.
Lava to Make a Comeback in Early January: What You Need to Know
With the Lava BeU smartphone, the company made its intentions clear for the entry-level market. While the phone had a relatively new Unisoc SC9863A octa-core processor, the rest of the specifications are very decent. The Lava BeU sports a 6.08-inch HD+ display, 2GB of RAM, 32GB of storage, dual rear cameras and a 4060mAh battery. More importantly, the phone runs on Android 10 (Go Edition), meaning the unknown processor could be more than enough to handle day-to-day tasks.
On January 7, Lava says it will step up the game and is making some huge claims on microblogging site Twitter. It is unknown right now what the company has in store for us, but most likely, we will see the brand targeting Xiaomi, Realme, Micromax and Samsung brands in the under Rs 15,000 category.
For the unaware, the sub-Rs 15,000 category is the hottest in India for several years, and it continues to remain the same. Xiaomi and Realme have launched various phones with MediaTek chipsets this year, whereas Samsung has used its Exynos 9611 processor. The new entrant Micromax also used MediaTek Helio G range of chips on the In Note 1 and In 1b devices. The Micromax phones have got good reviews from the consumers. If Lava also goes with MediaTek processors, it will be able to price the devices aggressively. If the company chooses Snapdragon processors, we could see the phones on the stepper side. That being said, nothing is confirmed for now and we are waiting for the company to reveal more details.
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