Reliance Jio introduced a new Rs 749 plan to existing JioPhone customers alongside two plans for new JioPhone users. The country’s largest telecom operator with over 400 million users under its belt also said the JioPone subscriber base has hit 100 million in just over three years. The telco is also starting a new movement called ‘‘2G-MUKT BHARAT,’ under which it is aiming to convert all the feature phone users of rival telcos into JioPhone users. And to attract new users, Jio has come up with two plans of Rs 1,999 and Rs 1,499. At the same time, JioPhone 2021 offer also includes a Jio 749 plan for existing users. In this article, we are detailing the Jio Rs 749 plan for JioPhone users, whether it is good to recharge or not.
Jio 749 Plan: Benefits Detailed
Before analysing the offer, let’s first take a look at the benefits offered by Reliance Jio. With the Rs 749 plan, JioPhone users will get unlimited voice calling without any FUP limit, along with 2GB high-speed data every month. The validity of the plan is 12 months. The plan may also offer SMS benefits on a monthly basis, but the telco is yet to reveal this benefit. Since the offer will live on March 1, Reliance Jio will reveal the full benefits tomorrow (February 28). Users will also get free access to Jio apps like JioTV, JioCinema and so on.
Jio 749 Plan for JioPhone Users: Offer Breakdown
So Reliance Jio is offering 2GB of data per month with the Jio 749 plan. JioPhone users can recharge All-in-One plans of Rs 75, Rs 125, Rs 155 and Rs 185. The benefits offered by the Rs 749 annual plan include 2GB of high-speed data every month. The Rs 75 JioPhone All-in-One plan comes with 3GB data and 28 days validity. Earlier, Jio used to provide a Rs 49 JioPhone plan that offered 2GB of 4G data for 28 days. Since the Rs 49 plan is no longer available, we are considering the Rs 75 All-in-One plan for this comparison.
For one year, JioPhone users will be required to recharge the Rs 75 plan 13 times because the validity of the plan is just 28 days. This means the price if recharged individually, will cost Rs 975, whereas the Rs 749 plan offers benefits for one year. The only difference is the 2GB data benefit with the new Rs 749 plan.
In every aspect, the Rs 749 plan for JioPhone users is an economical option. New JioPhone users can get the same plan for one year at Rs 1,499 and Rs 1,999 for two years. The only difference is new users get free JioPhone. The company will bundle the original JioPhone launched back in 2017 and not the JioPhone 2.
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