OnePlus last year launched the OnePlus Buds Z in India. These truly wireless stereo (TWS) earphones were meant to give a trustworthy option to users looking for budget wireless earphones in the country. Now, it is being speculated that OnePlus is soon going to launch the OnePlus Buds Z2 in India. The launch is expected to take place in October 2021. It might just be launched alongside the expected OnePlus 9 RT. A lot of specifications about the smartphone have already surfaced online. Here’s everything you should know about the expected OnePlus Buds Z2.
OnePlus Buds Z2 Expected Specifications
The OnePlus Buds Z2 is expected to come with support for noise cancellation. Mind that the first generation OnePlus Buds don’t have much to bring to the table. They can deliver good sound, but the bass is just not there, and users also don’t get any noise cancellation support. In addition to this, the battery performance is just decent, nothing out of the ordinary. But the OnePlus Buds Z2 are expected to come with noise cancellation and huge battery support. According to the tipster Max Jambor, the OnePlus Buds Z2 might come with support for Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity. In comparison, the OnePlus Buds Z come with support for Bluetooth 5. This year as well, the OnePlus Buds Z2 are expected to feature IP55 rating. For the unaware, the IP55 rating means sweat and water resistance. The biggest addition is expected to be the active noise cancellation (ANC) support. According to the tipster, the OnePlus Buds Z2 are expected to come with ANC support as well and Dolby Atmos support. Further, the Buds Z2 is expected to come with 38 hours of playback support. Of course, the OnePlus Buds Z2 are expected to come with fast-charging support. As per the tipster, the earphones will deliver a performance of 5 hours with just 10 minutes of charging.
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