Airtel is a lead player in India’s telecom space. According to the data released by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in October 2021, Airtel’s mobile base stands at 354.1 million, second to Reliance Jio. The service provider offers several voice and data packs for postpaid and prepaid users. Irrespective of the plan subscribed, it is essential to keep a close watch on the main data, SMS balance or validity. The service provider offers several ways to keep an eye on these, via USSD code, Airtel Thanks App or web-based Airtel self-care services.
How to check Airtel balance and validity through USSD code
USSD codes are a handy way for subscribers, especially those who use feature phones, to check their balances. The users need to open their phone’s call dialler, type the USSD code and press the call button to receive the information. The users can dial the code *123# from their Airtel number to see the balance and validity of their plan. There are several USSD codes for the service provider. *121# is the main code that provides several Airtel services.
How to check Airtel data, SMS balance and validity through Airtel Thanks App
For smartphone users, a more convenient way of checking for Airtel balance and validity would be through Airtel Thanks App. The app is available for both iOS and Android users. The users can download the app from the respective app stores and log in using their Airtel number. On opening, the app shows the data balance, validity and call limit of their plan on top. Expanding the shown top band will also reveal the SMS balance.
Airtel Thanks app is the gateway for the users to recharge, pay bills, claim their plan benefits, rewards, customer care access, etc. If the user has multiple Airtel numbers in possession, they can add those in the app and track their usage.
How to check Airtel balances and validity through the website
Airtel also allows users to check their plan balances and validity through the Airtel Selfcare website. The user can do a browser search of Airtel Selfcare, and the website will be listed as the top search. On loading, the website will ask for the user’s Airtel mobile number and authentication using OTP to login. The page shows the balance information on successful login. There is a menu to make payments, upgrade to postpaid and bill preference settings as well.
How to check Airtel 4G dongle balance
The user can connect Airtel 4G dongle and open the browser. Type the IP address on the URL of your browser. A login page will appear, from where the user can access the page with the default password ‘admin’. Users can see the information from the ‘Information’ section on the loaded page.
How to check your Airtel’s data speed
There are instances where your internet seems slow, and you need to check its speed. To find out, download a speed test app (such as Ookla Speedtest) from your app store and run the app on the phone to see your internet’s upload and download speed.
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