The Sandman has been the top pick for Netflix users in the second week of August globally in the English language. The show is inspired by a comic book series written by Neil Gaiman and drawn by Sam Kieth. ‘The Sandman’ has a very unique storyline revolving around the protagonist ‘Morpheus’, the god of sleep in Greco-Roman mythology. In the TV show, Morpheus is portrayed as the King of Dreaming, a land where all the dreams and nightmares exist and where people go to dream.
Episode one sets the tone of the show in the first 10 minutes when Lord Morpheus is captured by a mortal and kept in a cage for over 100 years. One of the rogue nightmares – The Corinthian, is shown to be against his lord and his philosophies, and thus, he helps the mortals in capturing Morpheus in a way he can’t escape.
The next few episodes follow Morpheus escaping from the mortals and then looking for his powerful tools, which were stolen by human beings and distributed all across. All the actors cast for their respective roles have done an amazing job of bringing their characters to life. Especially Tom Sturridge, who plays the role of Dream, aka Morpheus.
By the end of season 1, you would have experienced multiple things in the life of Dream. Moreover, you will see other gods such as the God of Death, god of Hell, God of Desire, God of Despair and more. Another impressive character arc is of Corinthian, played by Boyd Holbrook. There’s no one else who could have played the role of Corinthian better than Holbrook.
It is not a typical singular storyline. While everything revolves around the protagonist, there are plot shifts multiple times. The bonus episode (11) is also here. It is an animated 1-hour long episode that’s based on Neil Gaiman’s universe. The visual effects and cinematography is top class, and Season 2 has also been hinted at the end of episode 10. Season 2 is most likely going to start with a fight between Lucifer Morningstar, the king of Hell and Morpheus.
Overall, we would rate the show 3.5 out of 5 stars. The IMDb rating of the show is 7.8.
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